Friday, 31 October 2014


During my childhood, Halloween was not something that we celebrated or even participated in and I remember well feeling very envious of the children in American movies and shows who got to dress up in costumes, run around their neighbourhoods getting candy and scaring each other with silly tricks. As an adult though, I have had many a crazy time joining in with the Halloween fun and now look forward to this holiday more and more every year.

With the leaves turning from their lush summer greens to flaming reds and oranges and the evenings drawing in, it feels almost natural to want to celebrate a holiday that requires you to carve pumpkins into grotesque and scary faces, dress up in costumes of all things supernatural and eat way too many brightly coloured sugary treats.

This year was the first time that Little T was really aware of what Halloween is and for some reason over the past few days he has been telling anybody who would listen that he is going to be a hedgehog for Halloween! Unfortunately Trick or Treating doesn't seem to be a very popular tradition where we live at the moment and I really had no time or ideas to come up with a hedgehog outfit at the last minute. I did however want to still celebrate the day in some way that he would love and there's no better way than baking a cake!

The two of us spent a very happy and crazy couple of hours in the kitchen creating this Hedgehog Halloween cake this morning, which turned out to be the perfect dessert after having a dinner of "worms" (spaghetti to the rest of us) while watching some of the bigger kids run around outside in their plastic masks and fake fangs.

Here's wishing you all a Happy Halloween!!!!


  1. Your cake is so clever! It definitely looks like hedgehogs to me. It sounds like you had a really fun Halloween.

  2. I hope yohad a nice halloween eek end ! Your 1st shot is great and your cake .... i'ms so greedy !!! Have a creatice day !
